Our Team


Saman Darabian

Saman recently graduated from UBC with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. As a part of one of his undergraduate courses, he completed a research study on DTES residents who lost their homes to gentrification. Ever since then, Saman has been looking for ways to improve the lives of DTES residents, with this journey eventually leading to him founding DTES Hope as a non-profit organization.


Ali Mousavi

Ali is in his second year at the University of British Columbia, planning to Major in Economics and Minor in Commerce. Ali’s interest in finance and his passion for making a difference in his community led him to become a treasurer for DTES Hope. In his spare time, Ali can usually be found making music, playing the guitar, or biking.

Social Media Coordinator

Arman Hezarkhani

Arman is a third-year student at Simon Fraser University pursuing Kinesiology. He enjoys playing basketball and going for walks in Vancouver’s beautiful nature. He also has a passion for improving the lives of those around him and contributing to his community as much as possible.


Soroush Darabian

Soroush is currently working towards completing a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of British Columbia. He has been involved in various research and volunteering opportunities aimed at helping underserved populations.

Client Services

Bardia Shirvani

Bardia currently attends BCIT where he studies architecture. He is an extremely approachable person which makes it easy for others to truly connect with him. Bardia usually spends his free time playing either soccer or basketball or spending time with his friends.


Lucca Galvani

Lucca is currently studying Horticulture at the Kwantlen Polytechnic University and he believes that the best way to take care of our community is to take care of our environment first. In his spare time, Lucca can be found mountain biking, playing soccer, or going on hikes.